Despite its considerable heft, the Dodge Challenger Coupe with automatic transmission goes 0-60 in less than five seconds. The standard setup can still hit these speeds in less than seven seconds.

Suspension keeps up with speed on the choppiest of roads and outperforms under almost any traveling conditions.

A fifth passenger can squeeze in the back seat - a feature that no other vehicle in this class offers.

Plenty of luggage can be stowed away in the 16.2 cubic foot trunk.

The interior of the Dodge Challenger Coupe doesn't live up to the promise of the exciting exterior. Some additional upgrading and styling would go a long way to enhance the overall appearance of the vehicle.

It would be remarkable if there wasn't trouble cornering with a car of this size - as it is; drivers have to hold on tight when quickly changing direction, as all that momentum threatens to pull right out of your hands.

Rear visibility is fairly poor, making it necessary to add some expensive options for safe reverse driving.