The Lancia Delta is completely customizable. With over a thousand options available every driver can be certain that they are getting a car that will match their personality and tastes.

Handling is great, especially considering that it touches on the saloon market designed with families in mind. With the sporty feel, however, there is no doubt that this car can take any corner that comes its way.

Despite the sporty exterior and mid-size class, there is enough room inside the Delta to provide leg room for everyone without sacrificing the storage space for luggage and other essentials.

All of the interior details have been designed with luxury in mind. This said it has been known to feel more like a Rolls Royce than the average family car, making it truly one of a kind in its class.

Provides very easy parking options when the automatic parking option is chosen. Automatic parking allows the Lancia Delta to not only find its own parking spot big enough to park in, but also does all of the maneuvering for the driver.

Very economical in terms of fuel consumption, running costs and environmental friendliness. There is no doubt that designers have kept both the driver and the environment in mind with the design of the engines.

The steering has a little room for improvement. Although the overall handling is pretty decent, the steering does not respond to the driver the way that it should in a vehicle this sporty.

The Lancia Delta is limited, meaning there were only 2500 made the first year. Although they can still be found they are not the average run of the mill vehicle that can be found at every turn.